Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bass Fishing Spoons

When you are trying to catch bass within the weeds you need to try a varied technique. A pair of techniques I recommend are utilizing surface and sub-surface plugs.

Surface fishing spoons are constructed from lightweight plastic bodies and are built to float. If you're fishing around weeds that are barely below the surface they are good as they glide along the surface and won't get tangled up. Some of this type of spoons have a propeller to add some extra attraction for the bass.

Sub-surface spoons function by dragging across the bottom and deflecting off weeds and debris to attract fish. These lures will be made with a brush mesh across the tines to reduce fouling in the weeds they encounter. These are heavier metal lures so they can be casted far.

If you're trying to catch bass you have to know how the fish will be affected based on the environment. In warm temperatures bass will gather near plants and in the weeds. In these circumstances you want subsurface spoons to attract fish and compel them to strike. When the weather is cooler the fish may be right at the surface feeding, this requires surface lures with some added flash to catch them.

Bass fishing is a great and complex sport that numerous people enjoy. Take the time to learn the principles and then go out and experiment with several kinds of bait, lures and tactics to see what is successful near you.

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